Functional Medical Practitioner 

Hi, I’m Rachel, FDN-P

I help people heal their bodies from autoimmune diseases, mold illness, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, and other chronic health issues… all through the power of nutrition, lifestyle change, and functional medicine.

Overcoming my own health challenges propelled me to start helping others do the same with their health. Here’s my story…

From a very young age I was a sick kid. I remember going to endless doctors as I suffered from stomach pains, bloating, and frequent lung infections and colds.

Doctors always said everything was fine… so I grew up thinking “that’s just the way it is.”

In high school I fell in love with fitness. I trained Muay Thai kickboxing, played volleyball, ran track and field, and did competitive weightlifting.

You would think that as active as I was, I would be in tip top shape.

In my late teens I started to become very ill. I started experiencing memory problems, joint pain, extreme fatigue, skin rashes, insomnia, panic attacks, brain fog, more digestive issues, and swelling and inflammation throughout my entire body.

By age 22 I had even lost my menstrual cycle for 2 years and it became challenging to do the one thing I really loved… sports and exercise.

I found myself once again in and out of dozens of doctors offices, who all gave me the same response… “There’s nothing wrong with you or your bloodwork.”

I started to lose hope in our medical system.

At the time I was working in corporate America on the business side of healthcare. I started realizing how it all worked… doctors made money off of pharmaceuticals and if they didn’t have a disease label they could give you and pills to push on you, there was nothing they could really do.

One night, I had excessive heart palpitations and an abnormally high heart rate.

I was admitted to the hospital where the doctors insisted I have an exploratory heart surgery to check for electrical issues.

They went in surgically through the major arteries in my legs and up to my heart.

After a week in the hospital, a $100,000 medical bill, and test results that again showed NOTHING… I knew that was my last straw with conventional medicine.

I started seeking alternative care and saw my first functional medicine practitioner who finally discovered that I had an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). I also found out that I had various toxins stored in my body, including heavy metals, mold and pathogens contributing to my dis-ease state.

I changed my nutrition and lifestyle accordingly and my symptoms started melting away one by one.

I became obsessed with holistic health and functional medicine.

I read endless books, listened to hundreds of podcasts and did my own digging into health and wellness. I saw numerous practitioners including naturopathic doctors, functional medicine doctors, acupuncturists and more along my journey. I even went to the extent of removing my breast implants because I believe in breast implant illness.

I wanted to share with everyone how natural healing is possible, so I quit my job in corporate America and went back to school.

I attended various institutions, including SPC, USFSP, and SCNM studying chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, microbiology and immunology. I was also involved in scientific research at each of these schools.

Eventually, I discovered the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner program that covered everything I wanted to use in my practice as a health practitioner.

As an FDN-P I use cutting-edge labs to discover the root causes of people’s health issues, and utilize nutrition, lifestyle change, and targeted supplementation to give people the tools they need to heal.

Overall, I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in my health and education.

I don’t want you to have to run to different doctors for years like I did without ever finding answers and wasting all of your money. I want to take a deep dive into your health and get you the answers and help that you haven’t been able to find on your own yet. I’m ready to provide you with my expertise in functional lab testing and holistic health to help you rise to your healthiest, happiest self.

Flash forward to my current life, and I’m living as I should at this age. I enjoy traveling, cooking, reading, hiking, martial arts, weight lifting, swimming, spending time with loved ones, and learning as much as I can about wellness.

I don’t experience any of the health issues that I used to suffer with.

My journey is what makes me so passionate about helping others overcome their own health challenges, because I know it’s possible. Now it’s my mission to help as many people as I can experience the power of functional medicine and holistic health practices to heal.

I have seen amazing things happen in my practice. I have had success in clients putting diseases into remission including the following: Rheumatoid arthritis, alopecia areata, granuloma annulare, eosinophilic esophagitis, hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and IBS to name a few. I’ve also helped many clients reduce anxiety, depression, fatigue, PMS, menstrual irregularities, blood sugar imbalance, digestive issues, brain fog, and a variety of skin problems. 

After working with me, clients no longer run from doctor to doctor in search of answers. Instead, they understand how different foods affect their health. They understand how to take care of themselves to avoid burnout and live their healthiest lives. In the end, people become better partners, friends, employees, and entrepreneurs. 

If you’re still reading this at this point, some of this must have resonated with you. If so, please reach out and schedule a free health consultation with me. I’d love to hear your story and see how I can help.

Just remember this… if you don’t have your health, you have nothing. When you take care of yourself and invest in your health, you are also investing in every other area of your life. Your health creates a ripple effect in the quality of your relationships, finances, spirituality, happiness, energy and overall zest for life.

Rachel Smith Headshot

Schedule A Health Consultation Today

The purpose of this call is so that I can learn more about your current health issues, health goals, and see how I can help – whether that’s working one-on-one with me or finding another solution for you. I’m looking forward to meeting you!