


Shop high quality, toxin-free, clean beauty products!


Start using at home red light therapy to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, heal skin conditions, stimulate collagen production, improve musculoskeletal health, improve your sleep, and balance your hormones. Use the code Naturalhealthrising to save  Discount code: Naturalhealthrising to save 10% and optimize your health.


Their air purifiers get rid of up to 99.9% of viruses, mold, bacteria, chemicals, odors, and dust. Use code Naturalhealthrising to save 10% on all products for a cleaner, healthier home.

RA Optics

Get the ultimate night’s sleep by using scientifically backed, blue light blocking glasses. Use the code naturalhealthrising to save 15%.


Get 15% off of professional-grade supplements.


Use code NHR10 to save 10% on organ meat based seasonings to supercharge your health and get your dose of natural vitamins.


Save 25-50% on top quality products that are organic, non-GMO, and non-toxic. Get a free gift when you sign up with this link.


Fix your environmental allergies with a natural personalized treatment plan.


Mold killing products for your home.

Trilogy Fungi

Use code TFNHR to save 10% on all medicinal mushroom products.


Natural, chemical-free, 100% cotton, weighted blankets.

Sleep and Beyond

Shop 100% wool, organic bedding, including pillows, comforters, bedsheets and more. This company uses materials that are certified by the highest standards for health and quality, including Woolmark, Oeko Tex, and GOTS.

FDN Practitioner Program

Become a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner yourself and gain access to functional lab testing, create data-driven protocols, and improve the health of yourself and others via a holistic approach. Email me at Rachel@naturalhealthrising.com to get $250 off of your enrollment.

Queen of Thrones

Queen of Thrones Castor Oil Packs to support lymphatic drainage, detoxification, and natural healing. Save 10% using the code: NATURALHEALTHRISING10

Grab Your Free 4-Day Energy Reboot Plan

Reduce inflammation and boost your energy in just 4 days.

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