Detox without expensive juices

First of all, what is detox? Detoxing is the removal of waste of normal metabolic byproducts and toxic substances from the body. This process happens continuously and is mainly carried out by the liver.

The Two Phases of Liver Detoxification

Phase 1 detoxification takes a toxin and starts to make it more water-soluble so that it is able to be excreted. Once the toxin is at this stage, it is VERY important to continue to Phase 2 detoxification in order to be able to get it out of the body. Phase 2 detoxification completes the transformation of the toxin into a water-soluble substance. Lastly, elimination takes place via bile through the digestive tract or via urine through the kidneys.

Requirements of The Two Phases of Detoxification

Each of these phases requires certain nutrients and amino acids to complete the process. Phase 1 nutrients can include B vitamins, folic acid, vitamins A / D / C / E, anti-oxidants, milk thistle, calcium, and glutathione. 

Phase 2 needs amino acids: glycine, glutamine, taurine, cysteine, and sulfur. 

Is A Juice Detox Useful?

SO what does that have to do with a juice detox? 

Juicing doesn’t hold any protein or all of the essential nutrients needed to complete both stages of detoxification of the liver. Those amino acids necessary for phase 2 come from… PROTEIN! So if you’re body is trying to cycle through drugs, chemicals, and daily toxins hiding in our water and environment, but you’re just drinking juice that is lacking amino acids and other nutrients, then you could potentially be doing more harm than good as the toxins will just recirculate through your body. 

Why Do Some People Lose Weight on Juice Detox?

Sure, people lose weight on juice fasts/detoxes… but that’s mostly from the restriction of calories they put their body through. We all know that you will just gain that weight all back afterward because that caloric restriction is not sustainable and you will crash right back into your daily habits. People also may feel more energized or have some of their symptoms go away with a juice cleanse… but this is typical because they cut out crappy, inflammatory foods from their diet temporarily. 

So… Stop wasting your money on those expense juices! 

This is why it is important to work on eating a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet, that allows you to eat enough to feel satiated, have energy, and get to the weight you desire.

How To Detox Naturally

There are natural ways to help support the liver through these phases of detoxification with the proper diet and lifestyle. Some ways to support detoxification, increased energy and weight loss include the following:

  • Drink enough water daily (take half of your body weight in pounds and divide by 2, then drink that number is ounces of water)
  • Dry skin brush daily to stimulate lymphatic drainage
  • Pass stool daily! (This is super important, and if you’re not doing it… work on this first!)
  • Eat enough protein (animal protein contain the amino acids necessary for the liver to do its job)
  • Eat the rainbow in fruits and vegetables (you need to get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for detoxification)
  • Support the liver with supplementation (these can include glutathione, B vitamins and milk thistle)
  • Get sufficient sleep (7-8 hours of QUALITY sleep)
  • Move your body daily
  • Sweat daily

How I Can Help You Detox Naturally

There are many other ways to support detoxification naturally, and I teach my clients each of these step by step. I also teach my clients how to get the results they want, WITHOUT cutting calories and doing crazy, fad diets. 

Try implementing these tips in your daily life if you’re trying to lose weight, gain more energy, and overall live a healthier lifestyle. 

If you feel stuck in any of these areas and need support, join me in my one-on-one coaching program, where we will work on your life holistically in order to achieve the health you desire.

Schedule a free health assessment call with me today if you’re ready to take your health to the next level!