The health of your guts is in your hands

Why is it bad if your gut lining is broken down or you have a “leaky gut”?

Well, our guts contain about 80% of our immune system! 

What Does It Mean to Have an Unhealthy Gut

It means not being able to fight off infection, colds, and viruses as well as you should be able to. In other words, you get sick more often and it’s harder to recover from. Moreover, a bad gut also implies a higher risk of autoimmune disease. A bad gut also signifies anxiety, depression, and mood issues…

If your intestinal lining is destroyed, you could also destroy your ability to produce certain enzymes. In short, enzymes break down our food. If you can’t break down protein properly, you might not get amino acids that your body needs to produce serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin and dopamine are the “feel good” hormones. The amino acid Tyrosine produces dopamine. The amino acid Tryptophan produces serotonin. Are you following me here? 

What Diseases Can a Leaky Gut Cause

So a leaky gut can correlate with depression, anxiety, and other mood issues. It can correlate with rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, psoriasis, and other autoimmune diseases. It can correlate with PMS, acne, rosacea, brain fog, ADHD, IBS, bloating, gas, and much more. 

Dietary Measures to Heal Your Intestinal Lining

Eating gluten, processed foods high in chemicals additives and sugars, alcohol, and foods you are sensitive to make the gut WORSE. Even STRESS breaks down the intestinal lining.

Supplements That May Help You

Some supplements that are good for healing and soothing your intestines include the following: Marshmallow Root, L-Glutamine, Aloe vera, Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, and Slippery Elm. My favorite out of all of these is L-Glutamine, as it can mend the tight junctions back together.

What Are The Four R’s

Before jumping straight into a gut healing protocol, always follow the 4 Rs in gut health: Remove, Restore, Reinoculate, and THEN Repair. You want to REMOVE things that are causing the damage in the first place. Repairing the gut without removing the things harming the gut is like pouring water into a cup with a hole in it. 

Remove the gluten, alcohol, sugar, food additives, refined starches and sugars, and food sensitivities.  

I recommend testing yourself for gut pathogens, food sensitivities, and digestive function **(Reach out if you’re interested in getting these tests done). 

Then, replace those foods you removed, with healthy foods including bone brother, healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil/avocados), and omega-3 fatty acids found in wild-caught fish. 

Reinoculate with the proper prebiotics and probiotics. Include beneficial Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. 

Finally, Repair the lining with supplements such as L-Glutamine, Zinc, Mastic gum, DGL, Marshmallow Root, Aloe vera, and Vitamin D. 

Read my blog post here to find out all about what probiotics are and what kind to buy.