
Functional Medicine Practitioner 

I have helped hundreds of people gain back their health naturally.

Improvements gaurenteed in 6 months or less.

Client Success

Do yourself and your health a favor & work with Rachel ASAP!

I had come to ‘accept’ my long list of symptoms as related to having ulcerative colitis. (fatigue, brain fog, hair loss, stubborn belly fat, insomnia, migraines, acid reflux, heart palpitations, depression, anxiety, etc) Having been told there was nothing else I can do about it by multiple physicians & tried all of the medications they had suggested, I had lost hope I would ever feel better & I would continue to feel worse. I’m so blessed to have found Rachel & scheduled my free consult with her.

She worked with me over a period of 6 months. We would meet 2x per month to discuss results of the lab testing & make a plan for how to address my results. She also set me up with an eating plan to help reduce the inflammation in my body. With each meeting Rachel would teach me new ways to address my stress & anxiety plus other strategies to manage my health. We would set realistic goals together that were geared specifically to my progress. Many symptoms began to improve immediately & over time fade completely. As a bonus, I lost 20 pounds within the first 1-2 months!

It has been 3 months now since I completed my program with Rachel & the lifestyle changes I made with her continue to improve how I feel. She checks in on me periodically to help address any issues I need to keep working on. It is comforting to know I can reach out to her at any time!

This is the absolute best investment I have made in my health & have recommended Rachel to many friends & family. If you are reading this–this is your sign to schedule your consult!”

Tawny Adamson


Before meeting Rachel, I was struggling with a new diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, debilitating fatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain, low energy, brain fog, constant bloated feelings, difficulty sleeping, and frequent headaches. I couldn’t play volleyball for an hour without waking up the next day feeling like I’d been hit by a truck. I’d been dealing with these concerns for about a year, despite being put on medication for my thyroid and despite having “normal” labs. I tried to deal with the pain by taking ibuprofen when I would feel sore or have a headache, and attempted a gluten free and dairy free diet briefly, but it wasn’t making enough of a change. Since meeting with Rachel and starting on this health journey, I feel like I have had a complete turn around. Once starting her protocols, changing my diet, and working through lifestyle changes, I started waking up before my alarm, having energy to get through the day AND do other things that inspired me and made me happy, and could exercise and get things done around the house. I haven’t had headaches any more, my muscles feel stronger and I get great sleep and wake up feeling well. I am so thankful for Rachel for guiding me through this journey, for helping make it DO ABLE and realistic for me, and for having such an awesome app and plan that really sets you up for success. There is no way I could’ve done this without her, but also without all the things she puts in place to make this easier and more realistic. She listened, heard me, and changed my life. I now have the tools and strategies to continue living a healthy life and know that I’m taking the best care of me that I can. I promise you will not regret working with Rachel! She is incredible and I feel confident she can change anyone’s life who is willing! It wasn’t always easy, but it is well worth it.”

Lillian Williams


Rachel Smith Headshot

About Me

My name is Rachel and I am a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I help people with autoimmune diseases, mold illness, hormonal imbalances, and gut issues get rid of their symptoms naturally. I uncover the root cause of health issues with functional medicine lab testing, and then use customized nutrition and lifestyle coaching to help people thrive again.

After working with me, clients finally have the energy, mental clarity, and mood that supports a fulfilling life. I am beyond passionate about helping others after going through my own health struggles and learning how to heal my autoimmune disease. My mission in life is to help others heal through holistic means and support them to rise up to their healthiest, happiest self.


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Schedule A Health Consultation Today

The purpose of this call is so that I can learn more about your current health issues, health goals, and see how I can help – whether that’s working one-on-one with me or finding another solution for you. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

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