
Dance as Remedy for Chronic Pain and Autoimmune Diseases
Dance therapy for chronic pain and autoimmune diseases has been an incredible tool in my healing journey. I went from dozens of autoimmune symptoms plaguing my life to having zero. In order to get there, I had to do a lot of hard work. I found a lot of triggers of my...
How Trauma Triggers Autoimmunity and Chronic Illness
Did you know that stress and trauma play a role in the development of autoimmune diseases and other illnesses? Not only is this proven through science, but I have seen this with my own clients and even myself.  I grew up in a chaotic environment where things were...
Mold Illness 101: How to Eliminate Toxic Mold and Reclaim Health
Did you know that there could be something hiding in your home or work environment causing all of your health issues? Picture a family living in a seemingly normal house, but the mom gets chronic headaches and struggles with anxiety, the son has terrible allergies and...
8 Easy Natural Ways To Increase Your Low Melatonin
Difficulty falling asleep? Difficulty staying asleep? Maybe you have issues with both? Low melatonin may play a role here. To discover if you truly have low melatonin, you can do a functional lab test, like the DUTCH panel, to check. If your levels are low, there is...
Dance as Remedy for Chronic Pain and Autoimmune Diseases
Dance therapy for chronic pain and autoimmune diseases has been an incredible tool in my healing journey. I went from dozens of autoimmune symptoms plaguing my life to having zero. In order to get there, I had to do a lot of hard work. I found a lot of triggers of my...
How Trauma Triggers Autoimmunity and Chronic Illness
Did you know that stress and trauma play a role in the development of autoimmune diseases and other illnesses? Not only is this proven through science, but I have seen this with my own clients and even myself.  I grew up in a chaotic environment where things were...
Mold Illness 101: How to Eliminate Toxic Mold and Reclaim Health
Did you know that there could be something hiding in your home or work environment causing all of your health issues? Picture a family living in a seemingly normal house, but the mom gets chronic headaches and struggles with anxiety, the son has terrible allergies and...
8 Easy Natural Ways To Increase Your Low Melatonin
Difficulty falling asleep? Difficulty staying asleep? Maybe you have issues with both? Low melatonin may play a role here. To discover if you truly have low melatonin, you can do a functional lab test, like the DUTCH panel, to check. If your levels are low, there is...
Vitamin D Supplementation Alone Is Not Right

Vitamin D Supplementation Alone Is Not Right

Many people rave about the benefits and importance of Vitamin D. However, they often forget to mention the importance that other minerals and vitamins play in the process of producing and utilizing this vitamin properly. Vitamin D Creation in Humans Vitamin D is...

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How To Break Bad Habits – 10 Tips For Success

How To Break Bad Habits – 10 Tips For Success

We all have habits. Some good, some bad. The outcomes of our lives are dependent on these behaviors. Oftentimes, we get an idea to break bad habits and dive in headfirst. However, many people fall out of their new attempted routine and go right back to their old ways....

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How to Prevent Blue Light From Affecting Your Sleep

How to Prevent Blue Light From Affecting Your Sleep

Your body runs off of an internal clock called your circadian rhythm. This clock runs off of a 24-hour cycle that controls your sleep, hormone release, and other internal functions. However, this clock doesn’t stay on track by itself. The times of day you eat, how...

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Why You Need Probiotics and What Kind To Buy

Why You Need Probiotics and What Kind To Buy

Our bodies have between 30-400 trillion microorganisms living inside of us. Mostly, they live in our gastrointestinal tracts. The beneficial bacteria that populate our guts have a mutualistic relationship with our bodies. In fact, these bacteria are actually...

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How To Exercise When You Have Exercise Intolerance

Struggling with an autoimmune disease can often include exercise intolerance as a symptom. Not only do you feel tired at times throughout the day, but you also feel like it is almost impossible to exercise at times. Exercise intolerance is when you have a decreased...

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Why Animal Protein Is Good and How Much To Consume

Animal protein is a “complete protein” while most plant sources are not. Animal protein is loaded with Vitamin B12. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Animal protein contains heme-iron. Zinc is highest in animal products. Animal Protein Is A...

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How to Reduce Chronic Inflammation With Sauna

Chronic inflammation occurs at a cellular level and is caused by exposure to toxins and other stressors. This inflammation often goes unseen and manifests itself as the development of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and autoimmune diseases. What...

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10 Ways To Reduce Autoimmune Symptoms and Stress

Reduce stress in order to reduce your autoimmune symptoms. Stress triggers the release of cortisol. Cortisol is coined as the “stress hormone.” In the short term, cortisol acts as a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory. However, in excess, cortisol production can...

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10 Tips on How To Get Quality Sleep

Do you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning? Does it feel like you haven't slept at all when you wake up? Do you feel like you NEED caffeine right away to get going and make it through the day? Is your only wish to take a midday nap? Do you feel foggy...

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How To Improve Mental Health By Using Food

You are what you eat. Consequently, what you consume from your plate will affect your mental health. Western Dietary Patterns and Mental Health According to a 2019 Systematic Review in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, “Several healthy foods such as...

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How Courage Determines Your Wellbeing and Health

You need to have the courage to change your life and become healthy. Why? Because repeating unhealthy habits day in and day out is NOT courageous - It’s comfortable. You are fearful of trying new things because you're afraid something won't work. You need courage to...

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All You Need to Know About Vitamin C

Overview Scurvy, also known as vitamin C deficiency was prevalent in ancient times. Nowadays, scurvy is rare. However, there is solid evidence supporting the role of this bioactive compound in the prevention and management of disease. Unlike other animals, our bodies...

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A Hidden Type of Food Cysters Should Worry About

What is an AGE and what do they have to do with PCOS, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, aging, and chronic health conditions? Overall, reducing AGEs can help with cardiovascular disease, aging, PCOS, and reduce overall inflammation in the body. What Are AGEs? "AGEs"...

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Why I Rarely Wear Sunglasses Under Sunlight

I’m happiest under sunlight. Most people are. Why is that?  The Relationship Between Sunlight and Mood Sunlight getting into the retina of your eyes promotes the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin. One job of serotonin is to stabilize our moods and promote...

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